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入学 & 金融援助
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The Marist 荣誉项目 is a vibrant academic community of talented students 和 faculty from all majors. The program strives to keep students academically challenged while building character, 培养领导能力, emphasizing the importance of civic learning 和 global citizenship.
荣誉项目 students take seminar-style classes on important intellectual 和 social topics with Marist’s top faculty. 这些基于讨论的课程, many of which overlap with general education Core requirements, 培养更深层次的, richer emphasis on critical thinking with a strong emphasis on ethics. 提供的许多研讨会中的一些包括 音乐剧《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》, 科技与伦理, 哈德逊河谷的环境探索, 食品伦理, 娱乐媒体心理学. 18学分的荣誉课程包括:
- 第一年研讨会(4学分)
- 大学荣誉写作(3学分)
- 专题及公民参与研讨会(6学分)
- 合同荣誉(1学分)
- 荣誉论文(3学分)
- 荣誉高级研讨会(1学分)
Dr. 珍妮·拉蒙·彼得森是一位历史学教授, 荣誉项目主任, Coordinator of 中世纪和文艺复兴研究 at bet亚洲365欢迎投注. She holds a dual PhD in Medieval 历史 和 Cultural 历史 from 印第安纳州 University-Bloomington. 她在哈德逊河谷下游长大,获得了B.A. 和M.A. 福特汉姆大学学位.
Dr. 彼得森曾为许多学生的研究项目提供建议, 并领导了许多荣誉项目. She supports the unique opportunity the 荣誉项目 provides to present their work, 充实他们的简历, make connections through the 荣誉项目 Thesis Exhibit, as well as mentoring interested students through the process of applying to, 并陪伴他们, 每年至少参加两次本科生会议. Marist's administration 和 faculty have recognized her efforts by awarding her a 教师 Research Recognition Award 和 the Bill Olson Award for Service, by Marist's students through the National Residence Hall Honorary Red Fox Chapter 教师/工作人员 Member Award.
本科 research 和 faculty mentorship are at the core of Marist’s 荣誉项目. All Honors students engage in one-on-one partnerships with faculty mentors to work on two separate c红色的it-bearing research projects in their major, 或者在一个感兴趣的跨学科领域. Students present their research to the campus community at the semi-annual Senior Thesis Project Exhibit 和 many present their work at national 和 international conferences.
论文主题包括工作满意度, 人工智能, 可持续性, 刑事司法改革, seniors from Marist's 荣誉项目 share a diverse array of research projects at the 每半年一次的毕业论文展览. Hund红色的s of people from the Marist community are invited to see the students’ posters on display 和 discuss their work with them. Although Honors students select their projects according to their academic interests, the subject matter does not have to be related to their majors. 与自己选择的教师导师密切合作, the students conduct in-depth explorations of any research question they wish to pursue.
The Marist 荣誉项目 is a vibrant academic community that attracts talented students from all majors. 作为bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学荣誉项目的一员, you'll be exposed to students like yourself interested in a higher level of academic rigor. 你会有机会的 与其他荣誉学生合作进行令人兴奋的研究 within your own major, as well as those outside your field of study. In addition to studying with like-minded students, you will also have the option to 与其他荣誉学生一起住在荣誉宿舍.
一个学习 和 生活环境
荣誉学生有机会住在一起 荣誉住房 在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的四年里. Honors student lounges regularly host a wide variety of academic, 文化, social enrichment opportunities for students to participate in.
- “与教师共食”系列: Marist’s top faculty members visit 荣誉住房 to gather with students 和 share their research.
- 研究论坛: students can share their research projects before presenting them at national 和 international conferences.
- 额外的事件: 这些活动包括每月一次的留学之夜, 学术研讨会, 简历及面试工作坊, 还有一系列的社交活动.
- 都在寻找丰富的荣誉教育,
- 学业成绩优异,
- express an interest in problems 和 questions outside of their major,
- 展示本科生研究的潜力.
作为其过程的一部分, the 招生 Office sends invitations to admitted students whom they believe best reflect the values of the 荣誉项目.
Students may also apply for admission to the 程序 during the second semester of their first year or the first semester of their sophomore year.
在圣母, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our students with a well-rounded liberal arts education that prepares them for practical experience 和 profound success in their field. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves.